the horrifying day has passed i have never felt so empty there is no words for how im feeling right now
when i said to the teachers i need some time for my self i went away and cried i was crying out of my heart i didn´t wanted you to see that i was crying but it´s true you made me cry because i know that you don´t want to see me after school no matter how many times i call you you always have an excuse you just don´t want to see me after school and i have with some time accepted that in the beginning it was hard but i accepted it you never wanted to see me after school and thats fine with me but when i cryed today i seriously thought that you would came and pick me up in your arms strike my hair kiss my lips and tell me that everything is going to be allright but you didn´t and thats fine so today ouer last day together shit now you made me cry again ........................ tears ................... but tomorrow im going to make a stunning entrance im going to blind you with my beauty ............ i dont know how you feel when you read this but i will keep fighting for you till your heart stops beating and i will always love you forever as long as we both shall live IM GONNA FIGHT FOR YOU TILL YOUR HEART STOPS BEATING <3<3<3<3 this is heavy for me but my feelings for you will never fade whatever happens and tomorrow you can expect lady julia as the real lady i am with my stunning beauty so with these words I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL MY FEELINGS FOR YOU WILL NEVER FADE AS LONG AS WE BOTH SHALL LIVE <3<3<3 I LOVE YOU AND GOOD LUCK IN THE GYMNASIE AND GOOD LUCK IN THE FUTURE AND AT LAST HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY SENDING YOU A LOT OF KISSES AND HOPE YOU HAD A GREATE DAY TODAY I LOVE YOU AND ONE LAST THING PLEASE REMEMBER ME REMEMBER US AS IT USED TO BE I LOVE YOU <3<3